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Interview mit Liui Aquino (Dokomi 2015)

Cohaku Magazine had the opportunity for an interesting Interview with the well-known and talented Cosplayer Liui Aquino at Dokomi fair 2015. Liui Aquino is a business man, cosplayer and part-time commercial model from Malina, Philippines. He talks about Cosplay, Germany and Craftmanship and the difference between conventions in Germany and the Philippines.

Cohaku: Liui, this is your first time in Germany, isn’t it?

Liui: Yes!

Cohaku: And what do you think about it so far?

Liui: (Pauses and laughs) I don’t know how to express all of this. It feels so magical. I would have never imagined to ever come here. A few months back I was sitting in front of my computer, talking to the editors of Cohaku Magazine. Back then, we were, like: “Maybe we can meet up some day?” And here I am. That’s just awesome. Magical!

Cohaku: From what you have seen of Dokomi – what are your impressions of it?

Liui: To be honest I didn’t expect it to be this big. Besides that I don’t think I’m able to process things just yet. Everything just went out so well, starting from the visa, to the flight and my way here. Europe is like a whole new world.

Cohaku: What are the differences between conventions on the Philippines and Dokomi?

Liui: For me, personally, there are no differences. Sometimes we have massive events in Asia, in very big places with huge numbers of people. It’s amazing to see and meet so many talented cosplayers and be still appreciated by them. Besides that people in Germany are very nice and sweet. They are very passionate and expressive. If they like you, they will tell it to you right away.

Cohaku: Your craftsmanship is extraordinary. What do you think about German craftsmanship and cosplayers?

Liui: Thank you! (laughs) Well, I am especially excited to finally work with Worbla. I have been planning to buy it ever since I got invited to this place. I’m planning to bring it to my friend Alodia and to my mentor. He’s the one who helped me with everything. We are going to experiment a lot and combine our techniques. Besides that I am a big fan of Kamui. She is one of my biggest inspirations and I’m excited to meet her!

Cohaku: What was your personal highlight here so far?

Liui: My first highlight was to be able to meet up with my German friends and fans and to be appreciated by them. I didn’t expect so many people to want to come and see me. I’m very happy. My second highlight was to see how German people make their costumes. I really love learning new things when I go to different places and countries. My third highlight was to meet famous cosplayers like Reika, Chamomile and Misa for the first time! That was awesome!

Cohaku: And last but not least: What’s the coolest cosplay you have seen here so far?

Liui: Gandalf! (laughs) I’m a big fan of Lord of the Rings! I got my picture taken with him.

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